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Holo Kitty

My latest project is a holographic cat you can pet.

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The hologram viewer is made of acrylic, and hot glued together. It was a lot of fun to make. Here is my neighbor Yoav cutting the acrylic with a power saw:

And my mom and I stenciling the acrylic sheets:

The holographic cat is a program I wrote in Processing that uses the front-facing camera to detect motion and animate the cat accordingly.

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Source code for the cat here: https://github.com/danigrant/hologramcat/

I think there’s a lot more that can be done here. It would be really cool to have holographic Alexa, or to be able to FaceTime my parents and appear as a hologram on their desk. Plus we are starting to live in a world where fictional characters are more and more integrated into our daily lives rather than stuck inside of a book or a movie, and I think holograms could be a big part of that one day.