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Token of Infection: 🧟‍♀️ vs 👵

Ben Heidorn, Richie Bonilla, Marguerite deCourcelle and I built a zombie vs human game over the weekend at ETH Boston that is played purely by transferring NFTs from wallet to wallet.

If you have a human in your wallet, you’re a human. If you have a zombie in your wallet, you’re a zombie. The zombies’ goal is to infect every human and turn them all into zombies. The humans’ goal is to eliminate the zombies and stop the virus.

There is a tracker at tokenofinfection.com. Currently there are 192 humans and 75 zombies, so the humans are winning.

Zombies infect every human they encounter in a wallet. To infect a human, you have to transfer a zombie to a human wallet.

Humans aren’t powerless against a zombie. If a human sends an antidote grenade to a wallet with a zombie, the zombie is cured and is turned back into a human.

Once you're in the game, you're always in the game. When humans and zombies are transferred from wallet to wallet, they multiply. One copy stays in the original wallet. The other copy goes to infect the new wallet.

To join the game, you’ll need a human or a zombie in your wallet. Want to play? Send your ETH address to mayor@dani.town and I'll send you a zombie or human. 🧟‍♀️🙎‍♀️